Enquiries id Development Studies, was pioneered by the early research by ISED small enterprise Observatory, in the year 2013. It is a relative concept, and is is related to the structural and operational vulnerability of an enterprise. Apart from being a conceptual addition, It is important to take it to the operational plane. Such an exercise need to follow four major steps: First, proposing the concept as the centre of an alternative analytical framework. Secondly, there is the task of bringing in conceptual clarity with other related analytical concepts and by establishing their linkages. Thirdly, moving from the conceptual phase, there is the need for presenting solid field evidences and indications, that can help to link the conceptual platform and the operational terrain. Fourthly, such an exercise need to be useful in relation to the indications on the way forward. While the greatest achievement of the new millennium, on the thought and practice of SMEs, has been its universal acceptance as a powerful actor in the macro economy. However, lot more has to be done in order to ensure their sustainability.
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